Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Actions: lymphagogue, alterative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, demulcent, vulnerary, anti-tumor, and bitter tonic/cholagogue.
Energetics: warming, pungent
Tissue states: cold/depression
Calendula is traditionally used for the following body systems and tissues.
•Lymphatic and Immune Systems: This is one of the best gentle lymphatic remedies which is used for swollen and painful lymph nodes. it’s specific for “those places where the sun doesn’t shine,” such as the armpits, the nodes along the neck, and the inguinal region.
Whenever the lymph nodes are swollen, it is an indication of heightened immunological
activity with fluid stagnation and a general need for “detoxification.”
•Digestive System:(mucosal membranes)The bitter tonic property of Calendula is quite important to understand its unique synergy, and is often overlooked by many practitioners. All bitter tonics will have a stimulant effect on the liver, increasing its detoxification capacities and often increasing production of bile and its secretion by the gallbladder. This is beneficial for the metabolism and digestion of fats and oils, as well as general digestive insufficiency. Bitters have a downward bearing mechanism, bringing the vital force down and out. This typically results in fluids being drained from the body, which ultimately leads to a constitutional net drying effect. This is a critical understanding of bitters! Thus we see Calendula drains fluids not only through its action upon the lymphatics, but also through a constitutional bitter action on the liver, gallbladder, and entire gastrointestinal tract.
•Skin: This is likely Calendula’s claim to fame, as it is one of the best wound
healing remedies in our western materia medica. It helps wounds to heal much more rapidly, prevents suppuration and stagnation of fluids, modulates any local inflammation, and prevents bacterial overgrowth and infection. The astringency helps to draw the wound together to heal it more rapidly and preventing excessive scar formation. It is
also quite useful as a topical agent for sunburns.
•Female Reproductive System (uterus) Throughout Europe it is one of the major standby remedies used to bring on a stuck and stagnant menses, as well as to relieve painful menstruation. This is linked to the bitter taste/action, which again has a downward bearing mechanism of action and drains fluids from the body. As we will see under the energetics, because Calendula is primarily warming, we want to use it when the uterus and blood are cold and stagnant and require stimulation to get things moving again.
(The Evolutionary School of Herbalism, n.d.)
Disclaimer: The above content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or therapeutic treatment. While most herbal remedies are safe, always check with your doctor to ensure that what you are consuming complements your medication and is appropriate for your health.