Echinacea Root (Echinacea purpurea)
Actions: alterative, lymphagogue, immune modulating/stimulant, antimicrobial, circulatory stimulant, analgesic, inflammation-modulating, vulnerary, diffusive
Energetics: cooling
Tissue states: heat excitation
Echinacea root has an affinity to the following physical organs, systems, and tissues:
Immunity: Echinacea is supportive of the immune system, by stimulating either
innate immunity or adaptive immunity.
Lymph and Blood: As a diffusive with an emphasis on the lymphatic system and blood, Echinacea acts predominately on low states of fever with exhaustion, lymphatic sluggishness, and septic materials in the bloodstream. Echinacea root is primarily an alterative for the blood and lymphatics, which are at the root of its effects on the immune system.
Mucosal Membranes and Skin: Echinacea has an impeccable virtue for tissue repair both internally and topically. Traditionally it has been used for ulcerations of any character.
(The Evolutiionary School of Herbalism, n.d)
Disclaimer: The above content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or therapeutic treatment. While most herbal remedies are safe, always check with your doctor to ensure that what you are consuming complements your medication and is appropriate for your health.