Organic Marshmallow Root

Organic Marshmallow Root

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Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)

Actions: Demulcent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, expectorant and emollient. 

Energetics: moistening and mildly tonifying.

Tissue states: dry/atrophy, and heat/excitation.

Marshmallow root has an affinity for the following body systems and tissues:

Mucosal Membranes: The essential affinity of Marshmallows is its action upon the
mucosal membranes. It enhances secretion and stimulates the activity of the mucosa bringing about healing and restoration. This is the #1 affinity for Marshmallow.

Urinary Tract: The leaves have more of an affinity here as opposed to the roots which are more suited for the digestive system. The leaves are more predominant acting as a
diuretic, demulcent, and inflammation-modulating remedy for the treatment of urinary
tract infections and other urinary conditions.  The root also will successfully
operate through the UT.

Respiratory System: Marshmallow is an effective demulcent expectorant and helps to
relieve and ease dry/hot irritations of the respiratory tract like catarrh and coughs.

Digestive System: The emollient action makes Marshmallow one of our great healing
remedies for the digestive system including ulcerations and inflammations like colitis
and gastritis. More about this follows below.

Musculoskeletal System: The roots can be used successfully in conjunction with others to help treat dry, popping, achy joints. Through its constitutional effects on moistening dryness, it proves to be of benefit here.

Immune System: This is also not commonly seen associated with Marshmallow. The
presence of polysaccharides indicates an immunological quality, as commonly these
sugar compounds are seen as similar to bacteria or other pathogens by the immune
system, thus triggering it into a heightened state of activity. It’s also important to
remember that the mucosa is laden with white blood cells and immunity to protect
the body from pathogenic invasion. Thus by simple virtue of increasing mucosal
secretions immunity is enhanced. respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, and immune system.

(The Evolutionary School of Herbalism,n.d.)

Disclaimer: The above content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or therapeutic treatment. While most herbal remedies are safe, always check with your doctor to ensure that what you are consuming complements your medication and is appropriate for your health.