Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
Actions: antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory mucilage, astringent, and vulnerary.
Energetics: cooling, moistening, softening, soothing and tonifying.
Tissue states: heat/excitation, dry/atrophy, and damp/stagnation.
Plantain has an affinity for the following body systems or tissues:
•Mucosal Membranes: The essential affinity of Plantain is it’s action upon the mucosal membranes of the urinary, respiratory and digestive systems. It enhances secretions and stimulates the activity of the mucosa. It cleanses and disinfects them as well.
•Urinary Tract: This remedy is a wonderful relaxant diuretic, demulcent, antiseptic, and inflammation-modulating remedy for the treatment of urinary tract infections.
•Respiratory System: Plantain is an effective demulcent expectorant and antiseptic for the treatment of respiratory tract infections.
•Digestive System: The vulnerary action makes Plantain one of our great healing remedies for the digestive system, including ulcerations, inflammations, infections, and leaky gut syndrome
(The School of Evolutionary Herbalism, n.d.).
Disclaimer: The above content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or therapeutic treatment. While most herbal remedies are safe, always check with your doctor to ensure that what you are consuming complements your medication and is appropriate for your health.