Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Actions: Sedative, mild antispasmodic, blood thinner, mild alterative, nutritive, and expectorant.
Energetics: Cooling, moistening, and relaxant.
Tissues states: Damp/Stagnation, Wind/Tension, and Dry/Atrophy
Red Clover has an affinity for the following body systems and tissues:
Lungs, mucous membranes, exocrine glands, lymph/blood, and female reproductive system.
Specifically, Red Clover is one that is considered a lymphatic alterative, having a very
strong affinity for the exocrine glands (tonsils, adenoids, lymphatic nodes, parotids,
salivary glands, etc.). This means it has an impact on the lymphatic system and helps to
reduce swelling and drain the lymph. In addition, it's also a skin alterative that helps
to clear chronic skin conditions such as eczema, this is usually a secondary effect from
influences on the lymph and blood.
Red Clover as a relaxant expectorant through its action as a spasmolytic that helps to
open the airways by relaxing the smooth muscles. It is also an expectorant since the moistening effect helps with dry coughs in the lungs.
Red Clover is also considered by many to be a “hormone balancer” in the
female reproductive system. This may help with fertility as well as balance
irregular menstrual cycles, support transitions into menopause, and relieve chronic
menstrual pain.
(The Evolutionary School of Herbalism, n.d.)
Disclaimer: The above content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or therapeutic treatment. While most herbal remedies are safe, always check with your doctor to ensure that what you are consuming complements your medication and is appropriate for your health.