Organic Goldenrod Herb

Organic Goldenrod Herb

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Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)

Actions: Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anticatarrhal, diaphoretic, diuretic,  carminative,  analgesic, and astringent.

Energetics: Slightly warming and drying.

Tissue states: atrophy, depression

Goldenrod is mainly used traditionally for the following body systems:

-Urinary tract: this herb is a very old and good kidney support medicine.  It is also helpful for bladder irritation. 

-The immune system: it is used for influenza, repeated colds, bronchitis with purulent expectorations, tonsilitis, sinusitis, and allergies.

( Tilgner, 2009 and Hoffmann, 2003 and Wood, 2008)

Disclaimer: The above content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or therapeutic treatment. While most herbal remedies are safe, always check with your doctor to ensure that what you are consuming complements your medication and is appropriate for your health.